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7 Ways to Spend Galentine's

Ladies. The time has come to plan your Galentine's event. I tend to struggle with new ideas of things to do and hate the options I find online that say things like: go outside, visit a local museum, watch a movie you've never seen before. So I decided to make my own list for you, with mood boards, to help inspire your Galentine's function! Let's get started...

1 A Flower Bar

We're giving ourselves flowers this year. I stole this idea from the girl's night event that happened at my internship Summer of 2021. Go to your local grocery store, buy different kinds of flowers, cut some squares of craft paper (or you could use newspaper), and get some twine. Invite your girlies over, lay out the flowers and everyone gets to make a bouquet. You can spice it up with a "White Elephant" twist where everyone has to make a bouquet for someone else, and then guess who made it, or simply just make them for yourselves. Take some cute pics with them, go to a thrift store to pick out a vase, or simply just enjoy making them

together! This is a super fun Valentine's-theme idea

that will also dress up your countertops or

kitchen table for the next week or so!

2 Spa Night

This one is a classic, but let's put a twist on it. Do the skincare things that you've been meaning to do. Don't just do masks that look cute or fun, but ones that will actually contribute to what your skin has been begging for! Do a pore strip, use a BHA mask or slug on some Aquaphor for a few hours. Do the haircare too. A hair mask, conditioning treatment, a Kristen Ess Gloss. Don't just let this be a night where you do skincare/haircare for fun, but do it for your skin and hair!

3 Dress Up + Stay Home

We girls love to get dressed up, so get dressed up. But here's a money, time, grief saving idea - stay home! Invite your BFFs over, get all done up together, blast your favorite playlist and have a dance party. I don't care how old you are, dancing around the room with your besties is always a must. You don't need a man to slow dance with, you need your girls to mosh pit to Taylor Swift. You don't need anyone trying to hit on you, you need your girls to do your eye makeup. At the end of the night there's no Uber or foot pain; Just throw your sweatpants on,

take off your makeup, eat an entire

bowl of pasta, and crawl right in bed.

This is my favorite one, I've NEVER regretted

a dance party...especially not with my girls!!!

4 Breakfast for Dinner Party

A change of pace from your usual dinner party. This one is full of waffles, fruit, syrup, bagels, and bacon. Invite everyone over, cook a gigantic brunch meal together, and then sit down and clean your plates. Try to make your pancakes heart-shaped, get strawberry cream cheese--make it as Valentine's themed as you'd like. You can do this sweat pant style or cutesy, but no matter what you're's about

the food, and it's going to be delicious.

5 Power Point Night

If you're on social media, you've seen this trend...and I think it's HILARIOUS. Everyone makes a powerpoint about anything they want. Get together, get some food or snacks, and present them to the group. It's a fun way to make fun of yourself, expose your favorite conspiracies, or talk about something you've never brought up before! You'll get to know your girlfriends on a funnier, deeper level and will have a BLAST while doing it!

6 Dessert Potluck/Charcuterie

I did a dessert charcuterie board for an engagement party I planned and it was a HIT. But here's the fun part - make it a potluck. Everyone brings their favorite dessert. You'll have a range from pies to chocolate covered fruits and there will be something for everyone. After everyone arrives, arrange your desserts as a giant charcuterie board! Spread out around it and eat until there're no leftovers. Your heart will be full from the time spent with your gal-pals, and your tummies will be full from all the treats!

Calories don't count on Galentine's, so

make the most of it!

7 The Classic Girl's Night Sleepover

Gather your ladies, pick an abode, choose a cult-classic girl's night movie, order in, wear your pjs, and have the night of your life. The older I've gotten, the more I love nights like these with my ladies. Talking about life over a pizza while Pretty Women, Clueless, or Mean Girls plays on in the background. Staying awake until the wee hours of the morning planning bachelorettes for each other when no one's engaged, talking about our dream jobs and middle school crushes, going through yearbooks and having "where are they now?" convos, and simply just being together. Feel free to have a

pillow fight and accidentally eat an entire bag of candy.

It's girls night, who cares???

Well there you have it, my friends. My top 7 Galentine's party ideas.

At the end of the day, just spend quality time together. It doesn't matter what you do, it matters that you're spending time with those who mean the most to you........cheesy, right? Sometime's cheesy is good. Be cheesy with your people, take too many pics, tell them how much you love them. Have your much needed girl's night, you deserve it!

Happy party planning!




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